
Published under Compilations


Stepz' first video, solely about roping.
Author: Stepz
Creation date: [N/A]
WormTube release: 2 May, 2007
Download: x-skilledFINAL.wmv (44.38 MB)
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Longa - 7 September 2010, 23:21
wow really great! www.wmdb.org is maps for these?
stepz - 30 January 2010, 04:31
Hehe, this movie really really old. Wasn't supposed to be "professional" in any way...
BTSxMetacooler - 8 April 2009, 22:27
would be a lot nicer if you took out all the average stuff you did on roper maps, and just showed the rr parts at normal speed..
mourt - 9 June 2008, 18:55
00:57 seconds nice xspeed
Tiger - 26 September 2007, 05:14
lol very much copied of deadcode I have those movies too but the otherstuff

well done!
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